Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sidetick: The First Social Networking Site That Pays.

I have recently come across an amazing new site that everyone should try, and see how it feels. pays you good money to basically just do what you always do, Social network. You get points for being active on the site, and the points convert into money. Here is what you will earn on sidetick (converted to cash).
1. When You sign up $0.75,
2. Refer a friend $1.00
3. For each of your friend's friends $0.25
4. Every 1000 pages you visit, email read, and when others view your content earns you $0.50

Ok so it may not seem like alot at first, but I have made about $200 my first month. Here's how:
1. I invited all my facebook/twitter/myspace friends to join, I had 400, and about 150 signed up. So that made me $150 bucks.
2.I emailed my friends, and made another $20.
3. I posted content, encouraged my friends to get referrals, and was as active as I was previously on facebook.

I really encourge you to sign up, and give it a try. I made over $30 with this, and that will increase as I get more friends and they look at my content. This new site is amazing. I really enjoy it. The only downside is that your friends aren't on it yet, so invite them!!


  1. a very useful article for everyone. I think this article is very useful for people who want to learn about this..i have signed and really it works verywell

  2. Hi, I'm new on this blog and I just saw this article.
    Very helpful I sign up and really works, try it!

  3. It is a great chance to earn money by socializing.
    I have signed up.I am having great fun plus started to earn.Thnx for this useful post.

  4. Hi, thanks fr this helpful article. I'm just signed up and it works! perhaps this site will be my next cash mashine

  5. Hi thanks for the information about the site. I signed it up and seems to be very good one to make some online money. Thanks alot

  6. Yes, but did you actually receive the payment? That has been the biggest question. Thanks!

  7. Where does SideTick get the money to pay you?
